mobile mast : april/may 2004
added 03/05/04 : updated xxx : checked 01/12/07
This page is not included in a regular update sequence and will be checked and updated infrequently
During April and May 2004 another transmitter was erected in Little
Bytham to improve the service provided by the Orange
mobile phone network.
The mast nearly didn't get erected at all having been the subject
of discussion at Little
Bytham Parish Council meetings for some time.
The following pictures were taken during the masts construction.
12 April 2004
15 April 2004
16 April 2004
17 April 2004

20 April 2004
23 April 2004
24 April 2004
25 April 2004
26 April 2004

30 April 2004

6 June 2004
