church : rectors letter : october 2005
Reproduced from Glenside
News : October 2005
' Dear Friends
First of all a very big thank you to all the many people who came
to my Licensing by the Bishop
of Lincoln on September 5th. It was a wonderful occasion, and
the presence of so many supporters and friends made it particularly
special for me. But the biggest thank you must go to the church
wardens in the four parishes, who have done so much to maintain
the churches and the worship that takes place in them Sunday by
Sunday. Having been a church
warden myself, some years ago, I know only too well what a load
falls on those shoulders.
So what now? Well ... don't expect sweeping changes, because there's
no point in changing what works well. The only immediate change
is that the 9.30 service will revert to its old time of 9.00, by
request of the church councils. If that's rather too early for you,
there is always the later service somewhere in the group.
Our Harvest Festival takes place on Sunday 2nd October at Creeton
(I hope you'll read this before it actually happens!) and the Harvest
Supper will follow it, at Castle
Bytham Village Hall. Do come and join in the old harvest hymns
and give thanks for God's bounty and goodness. Living as we do in
a lovely rural area, harvest thanksgiving should occupy a special
place in our hearts.
At 11.00 on that day we shall welcome Liliana Alison Jackson, baby
daughter of Russell and Gail, into the church when she is baptised
at Little Bytham.
Although I prefer to hold a baptism
during the main Sunday service, it's not practical to do so on this
occasion, as the 9.00 is the only morning service, and it's not
possible for families to assemble from afar so early in the day.
But if any Little Bytham parishioners could manage to be there,
it would be a powerful symbol of our existence as the Family of
Looking ahead to Wednesday November 2nd, All
Soul's Day, we shall have a special service to commemorate those
we have loved, but who now live in the nearer presence of God. We
shall give thanks for their lives and examples, and there will be
an opportunity, for those who would like to do so, to light a candle
in memory of a loved one. We shall read aloud the names of those
who wish to be rememebered. Lists will be in all churches by mid-October
for you to add any names you wish, and in other points in the villages.
Details of the Remembrance Day
service will follow next month. With thoughts of those who laid
down their lives for their country 60 years ago this year, in particular,
it will be good to offer thanks for their sacrifice, and for the
years of peace which have followed.
One thing I would love to do is to have our Churches open during
the day for prayer and quiet - and, of course, for visitors to see
how lovely they are. Our insurers are keen that we should do so,
but first we have to secure our valuable items, and indeed find
people willing to lock and unlock each day. Any suggestions or offeres
of help would be appreciated.
I shall say Morning
Prayer in Castle Bytham and Little Bytham on two days each week
- exact days to be decided and announced - and would like to know
of anyone or any situation needing prayer. They will also be held
up to God's love at the altar during Sunday Communion. Do, please,
let me have details by 'phone 01780 480479, by email ,
by a note left at church or in person.
With every blessing
Jo '
Links etc Relating to this Months Letter
Bishop of Lincoln
The Right Rev'd Dr John Saxbee
who performed Rev'd Jo Saunder's Licensing on September 5th.