church : revd jo's letter : december 2005
Reproduced from Glenside
News : December 2005
' November was a month of remembering in our churches, with our services to
remember the saints of God and those we have loved on All Saints and Souls Days, and
thanksgiving for those who gave their lives in two world wars and later conflicts, on
Remembrance Sunday. We also laid to rest two members of our community, Derek Page of Glen Road, who was buried at Castle Bytham on November 9th, and Adrian Pearson of Regal Gardens, whose cremation took place at Grantham on November 10th. Derek, Adrian and their families have been remembered in our Sunday services.
And now we look forward to a very busy Christmas. You might like to know what
special Christmas services and events will be taking place in and around our churches.
On December 11th, at 4.00, our CHRISTINGLE takes place in Careby Church.
During the service we shall baptise Tania Joyce and her two children, Megan and Angus.
On Sunday 18th, at 6.00, our candlelit CAROL SERVICE takes place in Little
Bytham Church. The service will be recorded by Rutland Radio, and broadcast by them on
Christmas Eve, and again on Christmas Day. Come and be a media star!
On Tuesday December 20th at 6.30, THE BYTHAMS SCHOOL CAROL SERVICE will
take place at the Spinney.
Wednesday December 21st, at 11.00, the SURGERY COFFEE MORNING meets in
Castle Bytham Village Hall, and we shall sing carols and enjoy seasonal refreshments.
On Friday December 23rd, there will be a service of CAROLS AND READINGS FOR
CHRISTMAS in the Chapel at Holywell Hall at 6 pm.,followed by refreshments in Holywell
On Christmas Eve, the CANDLE SERVICE takes place at 4.00 in Little Bytham
Church - come and support our children as they tell the Christmas Story.
Also on Christmas Eve, MIDNIGHT MASS begins at 11.3Opm in Careby Church.
On Christmas Day there will be a SAID COMMUNION using The Book of Common
Prayer at 9.OOam in Creeton Church, and at 10.30 am there will be a FAMILY SERVICE in
Castle Bytham Church, during which Ella, baby daughter of Michael and Louise Last, of
Pinfold Road, wili be baptised. Immediately after this service, at about 11.15, there will be
a short interval, so that those who wish to may leave, and then we shall have a SAID
COMMUNION SERVICE. You are welcome to attend both the Family Service and the
Communion, or either one, as you wish.
And finally ... on New Year’s day, our 9.00 am service at Little Bytham will take the
form of a Covenant Service. This has its roots in Methodism, and is a service in which we
renew our Covenant with God for the coming year. Just as He is always loving and faithful
to us, so we pledge our love and fidelity to Him in return.
Do come to one (or all) of these, especially if you are not one of our regular
congregation. You will be made very welcome!
A happy and peaceful Christmas to you all.
Jo '
Links etc Relating to this Months Letter
The annual Christingle service will take place in Careby church on Sunday 11 December 2005 at 4.00pm