church : revd jo's letter : march 2006
added 12/02/06
As some of you know, I'm an Archers addict. I don't just tune in at 7.02 each day, I help to maintain an Archers website, (www.lowfield.co.uk/archers) which reaches fans world-wide.
Events involving the church in Ambridge are a key theme at the moment. The Vicar, a widower, has fallen for Usha, a Hindu, which has raised quite a few eyebrows, not to say letters to the Bishop. And I was amused to find that as we celebrated Candlemas at Careby, the residents of Ambridge were doing the very same thing, and that Alan the Vicar had clearly used the same source as me for his address. He reminded his flock, as I did, that the church has taken over ancient pagan festivals. The origins of Candlemas lie in the ancient Celtic festival of St Brigid, and in pagan winter celebrations - it is exactly half way between the winter solstice and the spring equinox, so is the day upon which winter is half over. Alan even recited the same rhyme as me:
If Candlemas day be sunny and bright, Winter again will show its might.
If Candlemas day be cloudy and grey, Winter soon will pass away.
. whereupon his beloved reminded him that it's also a Hindu Spring festival, when everyone eats yellow food, to represent the sun's growing power.
Easter, too, has its roots in Pagan festivals celebrating new life and rebirth. People remark, 'I suppose you're getting ready for Easter now you've got Christmas over.' Easter certainly is on my mind, but we have the 40 days of Lent to observe first.
Lent begins on Ash Wednesday, March 1st, and will be observed at Little Bytham this year. Most Christians make Lent a time of spiritual development - by giving up chocolate or alcohol, perhaps, but it can be a time to do something extra, as we shall in our churches, by holding a short Communion service each Wednesday throughout Lent. Details are on the list of services.
Mothering Sunday is the fourth Sunday of Lent - March 26th - and we shall have a service at Castle Bytham at 11.00 to honour our mothers, and all those who nurtured us; grandmothers, aunts, or foster-parents. There will be posies of spring flowers for everyone. Do come and join us as we celebrate God's gift of motherhood. We have chocolate biscuits afterwards, too ...
Whatever our age, it is always sad to lose a mother, and our sympathies and prayers are with Linda Bontoft and her family, following the death of her mother, Joyce, whose funeral took place on February 9th. On a happier note, we celebrated the baptism of Kit, third grandson of Chris and Hillary Lewthwaite at Castle Bytham on February 26th.
I hope to have all our churches kept open during the day very soon. If any of you would be willing to take your turn in locking and unlocking on a rota basis, and at times to suit you, do please let me know.
And finally . are there any singers out there, who would be interested in forming a small choir to sing at festivals? And anyone who might be prepared to rehearse that choir? I am thinking in terms of a simple four, or even two-part anthem or motet, to be learnt in just one or two rehearsals. Do let me know if you'd be interested or have further ideas.