church : revd jo's letter : november 2006
added 17/10/06
I’ve just spent a lovely warm afternoon in the garden, replanting a life-expired shrub border, watched by a robin, several late butterflies and, of course, Merlin, our elderly, lazy and much-loved cat. Merlin shows no interest whatsoever in birds, and they seem to know this.
A few weeks ago I saw a heron in our pond; it has already taken two lots of goldfish, and appeared to have had all nineteen of our third attempt at goldfish-keeping, but after some days, one little fish finally emerged from the weeds, and gradually another twelve appeared. They had obviously been badly frightened by the invader, and had remained safely hidden. So now we have a low fence around the pond, and so far this seems to have kept the predator out. We’ve seen it peering over the fence, but it can’t, I hope, get near enough to wade in. So now I need to clear the pond of fallen leaves and trim the dead water lily flowers and leaves to ensure a good supply of oxygen for the remaining pond-dwellers over the winter.
I always enjoy preparing the garden for winter, and , of course, for next Spring. The marigolds, nasturtiums and dahlias remind me of summer’s glory, and the cut-down shrubs are a reminder that, after a season’s rest they will send up shoots on the Spring. Those papery bulbs that look so lifeless will ensure a good display of colour as the days lengthen and the earth begins to warm. Autumn is a strange combination of looking forward and looking back.
And so it is with the what the Church calls the Kingdom season, which is about to begin. On Sunday 5th. we celebrate All Souls and All Saints – those who have gone before us, but whose memories we treasure and commemorate. During our 9.00 Communion service at Little Bytham we will read out the names of all those who have died in our villages over the past year, as well as any names that people would like to add to the list. There will be an opportunity during the service to light a candle in their memory, too. Even if you are not usually a church-goer, why not come on that day to give thanks for the life of someone you have known and loved.
The following week, Sunday 12th is Remembrance Day, and our service this year will be at Creeton at 10.45. It is right to remember with pride those who have served their country and protected our freedom, and indeed all those who continue to serve in places of conflict. Even more important is the need to pray for world peace. The lessons of two world wars are too easily forgotten. (There will be no Family Service at Careby on this date.)
While on the subject of remembering and thanksgiving, I wonder whether you might be prepared to present a hymn book to Little Bytham church either in memory of someone, or in thanksgiving, maybe for recovery from illness, for the birth of a child, or any other event. The cost is £6.99 each. We will inscribe each book donated with the name of the donor, and their reason for giving it (you can, of course, simply give one without a particular reason, and can give a donation without having an inscription if you prefer!). Please see one of the church wardens or me if you would like to do this.
On Sunday 26th. we keep Prison Sunday, and the 9.00 Communion service at Creeton will be led by the Revd James Saunders (my elder son), who as well as being Priest-in-Charge at Whissendine and Teigh, is an assistant Chaplain at Ashwell prison. He will be speaking about his work in the chaplaincy, and about the spiritual support that is offered to prisoners of all faiths. I will take James’ place at Teigh for their 9.00 service and be back for the Castle Bytham Family Service at 11.00!
October saw the marriage of Claire Wright and Allen Perry at Castle Bytham, and the Baptism of Milo Hull, grandson of Hillary and Chris Lewthwaite, at Little Bytham. We wish them all every blessing as they embark on the next stage of their lives.
With every good wish
Jo |