church : revd jo's letter : april 2007
added 15/03/07
When churchgoers like to gripe that the major festivals of Christmas and Easter have been hi-jacked by consumerism, they should be reminded that both these festivals have their roots in paganism, and were, if anything, hi-jacked by the church.
I was interested while on holiday in Borneo recently to see an Animist burial site. While most of the Iban and Dyak tribes are either Christian or Moslem, Animism (Spirit worship) still retains a hold. Animists believe that the most cherished possessions of the dead should be placed on their grave to appease malevolent spirits, and so each grave had a corrugated iron shelter built over it to keep the rain off the TV set, the cooking pots and the feathered headdresses which had been placed there. But the deceased would also have had a Christian or Moslem burial,; a case of hedging one’s bets! Maybe our taking-over of Pagan festivals is not so very different.
As Christians, we welcome Easter with its reminders that death is not the end; that in dying for our sins, Jesus has, once and for all time, defeated death and offers those who believe new life.
Our Holy Week and Easter solemnities and celebrations are detailed elsewhere, but you might like to be know of one or two ‘specials.’
On Maundy Thursday, April 5th., at 7.00, we are holding a Passover Supper in Little Bytham Village Hall. This proved very popular and enjoyable last year, and if you missed it then, you might like to come along this year. Please let me know if you would like to come, to ensure that we have enough food for everyone! The cost will be £5.00, which includes supper (lamb casserole or a vegetarian alternative and a pudding.)
On Holy Saturday, April 7th, we have our Easter Vigil service at Little Bytham at 8.00 We begin the service in darkness. The new fire is lit outside, the Paschal (Easter) candle is lit from this, then smaller candles held by the congregation, are lit from that. We acclaim the risen Christ with a blaze of light and music. Traditionally, converts to Christianity were baptised at Easter, and it is the custom to renew our own baptismal vows at this service. It is certainly a spectacle, and worth attending for this reason alone.
This month we extend our sympathies to Margaret Twigg and her daughters Karen and Michelle, as they mourn the death of Michael. Michael ‘s funeral took place at Castle Bytham on March 15th., followed by interment in the cemetery.
Our newly formed choir has met, and will sing at the Easter service at Castle Bytham on Easter day. Their voices really add another dimension to our worship, and I am delighted that we have, once again, a choir in the villages. We have photographs of the choir in days past. If you were in them, why not come out of retirement and re-join?
I wish you all a happy Easter
With every good wish