church : revd jo's letter : july 2008
added 05/07/08
Thank you to all who have responded to our funding campaign. When we set the date, we could not have foreseen the economic downturn that has affected us all. We are all painfully aware of the huge increase in fuel prices and food, in particular, and thought this might have an effect on the response to our appeal for financial help, but have been heartened by the response so far. It’s not too late to fill out that direct debit form, though, or to make a one-off donation … and please don’t think we are interested only in large sums; small sums given regularly are just as important to us. If everyone in the four parishes gave £1 a week, our income would be about £1100 a week – and if it was all Gift Aided, that would add another 28%! And small one-off donations add up to quite a sum. So if your form is still hiding on your desk, please fill it in and return it – or ask for a new one if you’ve lost it.
The supper was a lovely occasion, with endless anecdotes from the Bishop, who knows (and remembers!) more funny stories than anyone I know. The food was excellent, and my thanks go to the Bishops Bash Catering Corps, led by Mary Hoyle, for all that they did, especially the mountain of washing up. Robert Brownlow was awarded a medal for his services in this area.
Thank you, too, to the organisers of the Sponsored Ride, for their very generous donation to the four churches. We feel very privileged to receive this sum, and greatly appreciate it.
The next thank you goes to all who supported the plant sale organised by Ken and Lin Achard at Little Bytham, which made £340 for church funds. Thank you, Ken, Lin and your helpers for making this such a success.
And yet another thank you, this time to those who gave me unused Bibles. I took just under 100 to the Westgate bookshop, to be sent on to India, where they will be treasured.
And so to July, which I had wrongly thought might be a quieter month. Careby’s barbecue in aid of the church is at Home Farm, Holywell, on Saturday 12th. Come and spend a summer evening in lovely surroundings with excellent food. Then on 26th we have the Glenside Flower Show in aid of Little Bytham church. This event goes from strength to strength, and is always enjoyable.
On Sunday 27th. we celebrate St. James’ Day at Castle Bytham at our new Worship Together service at 10.30. Several people have commented that they like the more informal nature of this service, and the modern hymns, so we shall commemorate St. James in style. St. Swithun’s day falls on July 17th., so watch the skies; if it rains, we shall be in for 40 days of rain, according to the legend. There’s a similar legend about St Medard, and it was a hot sunny day on his feast-day, but that didn’t stop the rain and wind returning two days later. So much for legends.
Speaking of St. Medard, we have been delighted to see a blackbird make her nest and raise a lovely brood on the pillar supporting the porch at St. Medard’s, Little Bytham. She was a little put out by the wedding guests and the bagpipes which accompanied the bride on June 7th., but continued to nest there, reminding me of Psalm 84: For lo! the sparrow has found a house, and the swallow a nest where she may lay her young, a place near your altar, O Lord Almighty, my King and my God. Blessed are those who dwell in your house; they are ever praising you.
We have so much to be thankful for, not least the trust that these little creatures have in us.
With best wishes
Jo |