services : schools : the bythams primary school
The Bythams Primary School is the only state school physically located
in theBythams area.
Contact details are as follows ...
Creeton Road
Little Bytham
NG33 4PX
Tel: 01780 410275
Fax: 01780 410338
Website: www.bythams-school.co.uk
Head: Mrs P Eccles
News from The Bythams Primary School
Reproduced from The Glenside
News - February 2003
" Christmas seems a distant memory now,
but during last half term we had a lot of fun leading up to it.
The children and staff took part in a Sponsored Football Skills Challenge,
with UMBRO. £612 was raised - half of this will go to UMBRO
charities and half will stay in school to be spent on sports equipment.
Certificates and signed photographs of Michael Owen were given out
and I am sure one or two have found their way onto bedroom walls by
December was, of course, taken up with getting ready for Christmas.
Our Key Stage 1 Children (4 to 7 year olds) presented a traditional
Nativity, which they performed three times to families and invited
guests. They all did extremely well despite being very tired and fighting
off bugs that were knocking us all for six!
The Key Stage 2 Children (8-11) performed a Carol Concert in the Infants
playground one evening. The children sang traditional Christmas Carols
from england, Germany and Poland, as well as what has become a modern
'carol' from Slade and 'The Twelve Days of Christmas' with a head
lice theme!!
Thank you to everyone who attended the productions.
The highlight of the term for the children, and staff, were our visits
to Newark's Pantomine and our Christmas Party. The whole school went
to see Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs - "oh no you didn't",
"oh yes we did"! With lots of audience participation some
were quite hoarse when we got back to school.
Thanks to the Friends of the Bythams School (FOBS) the children had
a wonderful party lunch on Party Day, after which they spent the afternoon
pplaying games and partying.
On the last day of term a 'special visitor' came to school and delivered
Christmas Cards to the children. We all then headed home for a very
well-earned two week break.
Do you have children due to start school in the next few years? If
so, please drop us a line so we know you're there, as we don't want
your child to miss their start of school - we take children the term
after their fourth birthday. "
Pat Eccles (Head Teacher)