and events : hunter trials
added ??? : updated 30/06/03 : checked 03/09/06
This page is included in a regular update sequence and will be checked and updated quarterly
gallery online added 30/06/03
Images of the Sponsored Ride which took place on 4th May 2003 are
now online. Click on the link below to view them.
sponsored ride 2003 added 22/06/03
From the pages of the Glenside
News (June 2003)...
" On 4th may, in glorious sunshine, the first
Sponsored Ride in support of our Parishes and Homestart took place
in Grimsthorpe Park
by kind permission of Grimsthorpe Estates.
Thanks to the welcome rain at the end of April, the going was excellent
and 106 riders turned out to enjoy a ride of 8, 12 or 15 miles through
seldom-seen countryside completely off the public roads. Many, having
opted for the 8mile course, changed their minds at the 6 mile Rest
Stop and went on to enjoy a longer ride fortified by a drink and a
selection of excellent cakes kindly donated by the Womens
Of course, this was not the Hunter Trials of former years and although
the Committee members were sad to cancel that event, all are agreed
that the decision was correct. Sponsored Rides can be organised and
run by a minimum of volunteers (although more are always welcome)
as opposed to the labour intensive Hunter Trials, now full of legal
traps for the unwary. And of course, the removal of the compeititve
element allows everyone to relax.
Without exception, every rider commented on how enjoyable the day
had been and as the horseboxes streamed out of Grimsthorpe at 4 o'clock,
there was much hand waving and shouts of "Great Day! Whens the
next one?"
So, a success in its first year. "
farewell to the hunter trials ?
added 02/04/03
It is unfortunate that one of the first articles or pieces of information
about the Hunter Trials we have included on theBythams website has
to be rather sad news.
From the pages of the Glenside
News (April 2003)...
" The advertisement for help with the Hunter
Trials in last months Glenside News should have started alarm bells
ringing somewhere in our community. Plainly it didn't and the end
result could be our loss.
That the Committee has decided in the face of rising costs. faltering
enthusiasm and dwindling support, they can no longer run the Trials
in the way in which they have been run should not surprise us. The
stringent enforcement of Health and Safety rules together with the
changes in professional cover do nothing to aid a small event run
on an entirely voluntary basis.
For the last 20 years, the Bythams with Creeton and Careby Hunter
Trials have been the largest annual fund raising event in our Parishes,
providing much needed capital for our Parochial Church Councils and
local charities. That help is needed more than ever, a fact recognised
only too well by the Hunter Trials Committee, and we understand that
they plan to hold en event that is less manpower intensive and less
onerous in its execution.
This is to be a Sponsored Ride that will take place on the same day,
4th May 2003, and at the same location, Grimsthorpe
Estate. Plainly, receipts will not be as high as in earlier years
but we all could and should provide our support to ensure that some
sort of event continues to run in furture years. "

Tree on the Grimsthorpe Estate
Courtesy of www.grimsthorpe.co.uk
Publicity from the Sponsored Ride in 2003...
The Bythams with Careby and Creeton
Sponsored Ride
In aid of the four parishes and Home-Start (SW Lincolnshire)
Monday 4 May 2009
at Grimsthorpe
Park, Lincolnshire
By kind permission of: The Grimsthorpe and Drummond Castle Trust
Approximately 15 miles with some optional hunter
trails jumps
(or shortened route)
Route entirely off public roads.
Well marshalled, mid-course rest stop, loos available.
Minimum start fee / sponsorship £15.00
Start times between 10am and 2pm
Riders under 13 yrs must be accompanied by an adult. Rosettes for
every rider on completion of the ride.
Prize for the highest amount of money raised by an adult and also
a rider 16yrs or under.
Postal entries close Tursday 29 April 2003.
Secretary: Mrs R Player, 28 High Street,
Little Bytham, Grantham, NG33 4QX
Tel: 01780 410251
Entry / Sponsorship forms available from the above.
The Grand Raffle will be drawn at 2pm
First Prize - Weekend for two in paris sponsored by Kirker
Holidays / The
Ultimate Travel Co.
Come along, enjoy the day and support your local